Friday, February 19, 2010

6 More Years? Really?

As stated before, I recognize this site is mainly for the updating readers as to the events surrounding the lives of my family. However, there have been times when I have taken some time to talk about favorite movies, music or TV shows. And very occasionally, I can't help delving into political stuff. Now for the half of you that haven't already clicked away, I ask you to hang with me for a little bit. Especially if you are an Arizona Arizona Republican voter to be specific. I would like to pose some thoughts to think about as we head toward the primary elections later this year. And if you agree with them, please talk about them with those you know who could be influenced to think similarly. The main question is this: John McCain for six more years? Do we have to?!?!

I would like to cover some of John McCain's greatest hits over the last decade. Should this post just randomly stop, don't worry, it is likely that I had to run to the bathroom to fight acid reflux and take my heart rate to ensure that I don't drop from a coronary incident remembering all of this stuff. Here goes:

1. Kerry/McCain - 2004 Certainly not his first mystifyingly stupid stunt, but most possibly his worst, McCain seriously considered running as John Kerry's running mate in 2004 against Bush/Cheney. Now if you asked him today, he will tell you he never seriously considered that and it was all blown out of proportion by a silly establishment media. The problems with this explanation are that at the time, McCain was the silly establishment media darling because he always was quick to talk about how bad Bush and many Republican ideas were. If you wanted someone to trash his own party, McCain was always first in the rolodex. Also, if you are not seriously considering something, the first time it gets reported, you come out guns blazing saying how incorrect and slanderous a statement is. You don't sit there and say...(crickets chirping)...uhhh, nooo, I probably won't do that. He is a politician. He knows this stuff. He knows what not commenting on a story like that means. He considered it and he did it to stick his thumb directly into the eye of George W. Bush because he won the nomination for president in 2000 and McCain didn't. In fact, he liked to stick his thumb in Bush's eye at every opportunity. Think back to Bush's tax cuts when he joined with other "straight talking conservatives" like Susan Collins from Maine, Olympia Snowe from Maine and Lincoln Chafee Rhode Island to try and derail the tax cuts that were passed in 2001. If you wonder what some of those tax cuts were, those of you getting that $1,000 tax credit per child this year can thank the Bush tax cuts because they raised it from $500. And that was just a small part of them.

He claimed that he was disillusioned with all the spending that was going on with the Republican party under George W. Bush. So I know, let's go join the Democratic ticket. They don't spend money like drunken sailors do they Mr. Obama? Mr. McCain likes to talk about cutting wasteful spending as a key reason to vote for him. We will come back to why that is a crock.

2. Ambiguous Stands On Social Issues If pushed, Mr. McCain will say the right things on social issues. But he doesn't seem to like to address them at all. It is one of the things that derailed him in 2000 when he waffled on the abortion question. WHY??? Set aside the reality that abortion is a moral atrocity, but when you are running for the Republican nomination heading into the South Carolina primary, how much of an idiot do you have to be to not say, "I am 100% opposed to abortion." Especially if it is a belief you truly hold. Yet he didn't. Of course he came back later and said the right things, but the damage was done. So what does he really think? I can't say that I know. But when you have deep seeded beliefs morally, you tend to: a)have received them from your upbringing, b)choose to spend your life with someone who shares those beliefs and c)pass them on to your children. So let's look at what those closest to him (we assume) have to say on some social issues.

Mormonism - I recognize Mormonism isn't necessarily a moral issue, but being a Mormon, I tend to care how politicians will view me because of my religion. In an interview with MSNBC (I am going to leave alone the fact that a so-called "conservative" was doing an interview on MSNBC in the first place) John McCain sat with his mother Roberta when she was asked about Mitt Romney and his time as CEO of the Olympic games in 2002 when he helped rescue them from disaster. Her response? "As far as the Salt Lake City thing, he's a Mormon and the Mormons of Salt Lake City had caused that scandal. And to clean that up, again, it's not a subject." Nice

Proposition 8 in California - Those who know me and my family well can correctly assume this is not an easy issue for me or my family. I believe that much can be done to help those on both sides of this issue find a peaceful resolution. However this isn't happening because of the rhetoric being amped up on both sides and injecting words that poison any chance for meaningful dialogue. One of those words is "HATE". I despise that word in this context. To imply that the only reason anyone would oppose gay marriage is because of hate is ignorant. It is inflammatory and hateful in and of itself. Which leads me to the NOH8 campaign. This is another wildly brilliant creation of the Hollywood left. Let's have people dress all in white, paint NOH8 on their cheeks and stand with duct tape over their mouths to signify...Who the crap knows. It is stupid and sophomoric and makes absolutely no sense. For instance, how many supporters of proposition 8 committed vandalism, including many hateful epithets, against their opponents following the election? Oh wait, my bad, that was the supporters doing that. In fact, many people appearing in the NOH8 ads, have said plenty of hateful things about several religions and individuals for supporting Prop. 8. Now let's move to the duct tape. While I am all in favor of just about everyone who has appeared in these ads continuing to wear duct tape over their mouths, the implication is that they are being silenced...I guess. Yet I would have prayed for silence during the Jack Black Jesus video in which it was flat out said that Christians would totally abandon their beliefs if they could make money in the process. Silence would have been golden during any of Rosie's flamethrower rants filled with vitriol. But I guess she was just full of righteous indignation, not hate.

Anyway, any guesses who has posed for the NOH8 campaign? Meghan McCain, John's daughter. Oh wait, and his wife Cindy.

How many of you have a mother, wife and a daughter who all have views that are so diametrically opposed to your own? Me neither.

Now There Is a Straight Talker!

Dirty Politics While Claiming Straight Talk McCain loves to trumpet what a straight talker he is. What a load! During the primary season of 2008, Mitt Romney started to point out John McCain's record over the past eight years. He talked about his opposition to tax cuts. (Yes John, you were opposed to them. It really happened.) He talked about his support for Campaign Finance Reform which severly limited free speech and all but tried to hand deliver every political race to the incumbant. (John there was a reason your most loyal supporters of this bill just happened to be every liberal democrat in the Senate and House.) He pointed out his support for Global Warming legislation. (Wow, John, it is unfortunate that the story appears to be true that they have fabricated data and that the earth's temperature has not risen since 1995.) The list goes on and on. McCain considered talking about his record, his LEGITIMATE record, as running a dirty campaign. He talked about how beneath the process that was. Then he did something else.

The West Virginia primary consists of delegates voting for their candidate of choice. You have to vote once and if no candidate gets over 50% of the delegates, then you vote again and the candidate with the most votes wins the state. Mitt Romney won the first vote. John McCain then instructed all of his delegates to vote for Mike Huckabee in the second round giving the state to Huckabee. That sounds very above board. Next, three days before the Florida primary, McCain launched an ad campaign and stump speech accusing Romney of supporting time lines on getting the troops out of Iraq, an unpopular idea among conservatives. The problem? It wasn't true. Yet he repeated it over and over and won the primary. When pressed on when Romney had made that statement, he would refuse to look the questioner in the eye, but rather would look straight ahead and just say, "He supports time tables." Over and over. First of all, WOW, how mature. Second, don't we all need a little more of that kind of straight talk?

4. He's A Wasteful Spending Hawk John McCain loves to run as someone opposed to wasteful spending and he has voted against wasteful spending many times. However, now he is trying to totally discredit JD Hayworth as a wasteful spender when he was in Congress. Bottom line, this one is easy. You can't run as a defender of the tax payers' money when you voted for the Obama stimulus. AND HE DID! We all knew what was in the stimulus bill before they voted on it and we all knew it was full of pork and things that wouldn't stimulate a stud horse, and yet he voted for it. Stop telling me how much of a pork spender JD Hayworth is if you voted for that bill. You either have principals or you don't.

5. Serving In Vietnam Is Not A Reason To Elect Someone In 2010 I heard one of McCain's recent campaign commercials. It starts of talking about how he didn't come home early from Vietnam when he had the chance. It then went on to say that this shows attributes that clearly show he is someone to send to Washington to represent us. My question is why? He also divorced his first wife and married someone much more politically connected when he got back from Vietnam. Should I take that into account when it comes to electing him as well? My answer to both is actually no. What I should consider is his record and it sucks. But beyond that, there is a Vietnam vet begging for money at my local Safeway parking lot. His veteran status does not make me want him for my senator any more than John McCain's should. I respect his service to our country. He did a great thing. He probably did many great things. However, he is not conservative. He doesn't represent my beliefs and despite wanting to call himself a Maverick, he is as representative of what is wrong with Washington as any politician I can think of...and yes that includes Harry Reid. At least Reid is honest about who he is and what he believes.

In conclusion, I am not saying that JD Hayworth is the greatest candidate we have ever had. I honestly don't know enough to make that call. I know I liked him as my congressman back in the 90s. I generally agreed with votes. What I am mainly saying is, John McCain needs to go. I believe in term limits and in my opinion he has exceeded his. If you have made it this far, thanks for your patience. I promise no more politics for at least a few months.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bring on 2010

Wow, I can't believe it is already February 2010. Where did January go? Anyway, here we are and plenty has happened since the new year began. So in the format of random thoughts, here is a recap of our first month of the new decade.

New Year's

Ok, so New Year's Eve is officially last year and last decade, but there you go. New Year's Eve was enjoyable as always. I am pretty sure I gained 5 pounds that night alone. First there was Timi's little smokies. I think it is probably a very good thing that those make an appearance in our house once a year only. However, if those weren't tempting enough, she added cake balls to the menu this year. If you don't know what cake balls are (I didn't) they are a baked cake broken up and mixed together with frosting and I am sure other healthy things and rolled into inch wide spheres and then covered in chocolate and put in the freezer. (I have decided that if I ever contract a terminal disease, I am switching to a cake balls only diet. They are sure to bring about my demise much faster, but in a heavenly way so as to make the whole process a joy.) I had about three more of those than I should have. That would have made for a perfect menu already, but then Rachel brought over a crab dip in a bread bowl that was fantastic. Then there was cheesecake, a jalapeno dip and unlimited amounts of Dr. Pepper, all of which would have been the highlight in some years past. Every year, I try to focus on a memory that made that New Year's unique. I think for New Year's Eve 2009/10, the food has to be in the top three with strong consideration for number 1.

Speaking of which, isn't it amazing that we just finished a decade and I didn't seem to see a whole lot of countdowns of the year or decade. I live for those things and it just seemed like there weren't as many as there should be for the end of a year, let alone a whole decade. We'll deal with that in a moment.

As far as other things related to New Year's, the games were fun, the visiting was even more fun and now that I am in my late 30s, going to bed was pretty darn enjoyable too. The kids all made it to 12:00 except Kate. Not that she wasn't involved. Below you can see her keeping up on her flirting with Rhett. She doesn't seem to like to go to too many people, but she does seem to like Rhett Dodge.

A Minor Annoyance

As I mentioned above, there were very few "Best Of" lists for the 2000s. That was kind of depressing. Then when there were "The Best Movies of the 2000s" lists, the movies were STUPID! So I thought, I can do better than that. Well, you know what. The movies made this last decade were not that great. I kept coming up with movies that I thought should be on the list and realized most of them were released in the '90s. So anyway, my main point is this. I hope movies get better this decade because it is sad when I have a hard time coming up with a top ten for an entire decade. Now I don't mean to imply I didn't have movies that I liked, it is just that I have a hard time considering some movies that I find enjoyable as being worthy of inclusion on a best of the decade kind of list. I am not holding my breath. Hollywood seems to be determined to suck more and more each year. Anyway, my top ten movies of the last decade are:

10. Dan In Real Life
9. Batman Begins
8. Ocean's 11
7. Pride and Prejudice
6. The Bourne Ultimatum
5. The Count of Monte Cristo
4. The Incredibles
3. Pirates of the Carribbean: The Curse of The Black Pearl (Specifically not the other two)
2. The Dark Knight
1. The Lord of the Rings (All three made one story entry, but I mean they got the number one slot.)

I recognize this list is far from perfect, but I had to see one list that somewhat reflected my thinking, even if it was my own list.

Before and After

January has brought a lot of changes around our house. Specifically in the way it looks. Shannon got the painting bug and painted most of the walls in our living room. She is looking to wrap that up in the next week or two. And this last weekend, we finally tiled the majority of our house. When we moved in, we had the stamped concrete. It was very pretty. However, it was dark. Shannon is not a big fan of dark. In fact if anyone has not opened the curtains by 7:30 in the morning and let the sunshine in, you risk getting a major withering glance from my wife as she mutters about how much like a cave it is with the curtains/blinds closed. So having a dark floor just didn't work for her almost from the get go. And to show you how great of a husband I am, I finally responded just a mere 4 and a half years later. Below you will find pictures of the recently repainted family wall and before and after shots of our floor. Also included are pictures of the workers and of me after eight hours of working the wet saw cutting tile. Many thanks to Tommy, Heath, John and my dad for the hours spent. Especially Tommy who took on the brunt of the work. This job brought into sharp focus how not young I am. The amount of pain I felt in the days following this project in comparison with the amount of work that I actually did is not a good ratio. My knees are still aching.

So now we move into February and it isn't slowing down anytime soon. My grandfather's funeral is this week. Braden turns eight this month and that is followed quickly by his baptism. The temple dedication is getting closer with each day and that is very exciting, but it means a lot of work and preparation for the actual event. Kids keep growing and clothes not fitting. Abby ate her first full footlong sub last night which is a rite of passage in a way. She is certainly not my "little" girl anymore. And we are looking forward to taking our children to their first Broadway play at Gammage in February when we go see Mary Poppins. Life is full and we find ourselves just trying to keep up.