Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm Sorry, I Believe You Have The Wrong Guy

Over the last week, several things had been building that were bringing out my sarcastic side. I was to the point that I was about ready to unleash with a post just snidely and sarcastically commenting on a number of different things that were really getting under my skin. It would have been grand. But events this last weekend made me change my thinking.

Friday night, we finally got away from the Gila Valley and headed for the Phoenix Valley in order to go to the temple. During the day, Abby came home from school and begged not to go. We finally relented and she got to stay home with Grandma Claridge and do her things on Saturday. I only mention this because this is the first trip anywhere where we were down a family member simply because they had other things they needed/wanted to be to. After Shannon was done renting her clothes over this, I told her I wasn't buying her anymore clothes first off, but then we just huddled together in sadness at the growing up of our family.

Anyway, Jerry went with us and we had an enjoyable trip. Once we got there, I ran over to the Apple store and got Abby her birthday present (shhh! her birthday is tomorrow) which is an ipod shuffle. The main reason for this gift is that we are sick of Miley Cyrus and Camp Rock songs on our own ipod as well as the fact that we can never find it anymore because Abby has it in her room.

The next day we went to the temple and made it in time for the Spanish session. I enjoyed that, then we went to the Rapier Family Reunion. It was a little difficult because a lot of the questions we got centered around my mom. Totally understandable, but difficult none-the-less. However, we discovered that Braden is totally taken with Basketball. Got to get that boy a hoop.

After the reunion, Shannon and I finished up shopping errands that we needed to get done. Having not had a lot of sleep the previous three nights and then basically not sleeping the night before, I was about to the point of complete breakdown. I kept trying to pick fights with Shannon and threw at least three temper tantrums in the mall. It was not my most stellar day. I just seemed out of whack and nothing seemed to fix it. Wasn't sure why. Boy if I had only known what was coming.

We finally got in the car and headed home. We got back about 10:15 and got everyone to bed and then got ourselves to bed. We didn't even check our messages....

At 7:00 a.m. sharp our phone rang. I was completely asleep still. It was President Larson of the Stake Presidency. He asked if we could be at the stake offices in an hour. After I said we would be there and hung up, I made sure I hadn't been dreaming and then I turned to Shannon. She was looking at me with that deer in the headlight look of, "What did I just hear you say?" I looked back with that Oh Crap look and without words said, "You heard right!" She said, "What does this mean?"

"I don't know."

"Well, what did he say?"

"Can you and your wife be at the stake offices in an hour."

"So he said you before me."

"Yeah, but that could be because I answered the phone. This could be about you."

"No, no. I am sure this is for you. What would it be."

At that point, the silence was deafening. We looked at each other with a shocked look for about 15 seconds, then we got moving because we were down to about 52 minutes at that point.

By the time we got there, we had narrowed it down to a reorganization of the Stake Young Men's presidency or a vacancy in the Elder's Quorum Presidency. I still had a sliver of hope that it was for Shannon, but I kept that to myself as she was adamant it wasn't for her. We were met by President Larson and he asked to meet with me individually for just a moment first. Dang it, so much for the sliver of hope. I assured him I could accept a calling and then Shannon came in and he explained that they were reorganizing the bishopric in our ward that day and the new bishop had asked if I would serve as his second counselor...........I wasn't expecting that. I am pretty sure I just babbled for about thirty seconds and then was interrupted by President Larson when he said, "So can I assume that is a yes?"

We went home and told the kids and a little while later, Abby asked if she had to give her tithing to me now. I said that yeah, I guess so. She responded, "That is just weird." I couldn't help but agree.

We called our families and they all came, even my mom. Shannon and I must not be included in the ward informational system, because a ton of people seemed to know we were getting a new bishopric. We had no idea. So we kind of were giving something away with all of my family there. But the jig was pretty much up when President Kartchner asked me to stand and presented my name for advancement to High Priest. Then it was just a question of which one was I.

After a short talk about all callings having a release and thanking the previous bishopric, he then called Max Nicholas as our new bishop, with Rhett Dodge as 1st counselor and myself as 2nd counselor. After having just served for four years in the Teacher's Quorum with Rhett, people are going to think we come in a package deal or something. Little did I know that Tommy Nicholas was in the back of the chapel with his finger poised on the send button of his phone waiting to text to Heath the information. Which he then did. Imagine Shannon's surprise when a package was waiting on our porch before she got home from the block with a congratulations on the new calling. They say news travels fast in a small town, but I think it might be getting out of hand.

After sacrament meeting, they ordained me and set us apart and then all of a sudden I was getting called into a meeting in the Bishop's office, getting keys handed to me and being shown how to count the tithing. I couldn't help thinking, "Don't we get a week worth of preparation time." It was just ten hours previous I had even found out about this.

So now, I find I feel totally guilty for being such a pain with my wife the day before, I have to keep my sarcasm in check and most of all, I need to find a suit since I don't even own one. Please pray for our family, we are going to need it.


  1. Ryan, you will do a wonderful job! What a great calling for you (and Shannon). You will now feel very old because from here on out, you are part of the High Priest Quorum and I'm pretty sure you have the youngest kids in that group.

    My husband had to purchase a suit when he was called as the Exec. Secretary last year, I told him "growing up is hard to do" because he hates suits. ;-) But he has survived thus far!

    Good Luck, you'll do a fabulous job!

  2. Well on my way home from work on Sunday, I called Cody who was on the other line with Marilyn. He finally clicked over to me and said, "guess what Ryan got called as?" I thought for a moment and said, "old man group or stake young men's." He said, "nope 2nd counselor." "What?" "2nd counselor in the bishopric." through laughter I said, "wow...uh...that's cool....SUCKER!" hahahaha. I tried to call you (to laugh) but of course you were still at church...your new home! What I was going to say though, "To prevent these things from happening, get a job that requires Sundays! But I am impressed you're a worthy member of the church. Congratulations. And Good luck." My dad served as the 1st counselor/bishop (the real bishop wasn't around much) and my dad said it was a much easier calling than teaching Gospel Doctrine. I think you'll be amazed at the stories you'll start hearing...I was and I didn't even have the calling! I will always remember seeing my dad sit up on that stand every sunday come sickness or health or even a 3rd degree burn and he still suffered through a coat. It always meant so much to me that THAT was my dad and it did teach me so much....even holding my boyfriends to a higher standard. I think Abby is at a ripe age to see her father in the same calling and one day she will appreciate it more than anything. As I've "grown up" I have now realized that every young women leader and other leader was placed in that calling for my good. Some of those ladies are still my best friends...even tho they're 25 years older than me.

    And I decided this comment is entirely too long. Congratulations. You'll be great...more holy even. I hope this doesn't affect our game playing and that you don't have to cast evil out of your house after I leave!

  3. RYAN! Thanks for your comment on our blog. It led me to your blog...and then reading THIS! Wow. Shannon emailed me about your new calling yesterday, and after I picked my jaw up off the floor, my next reaction was to laugh and then cry. So, after experiencing my mixture of emotions, I can only imagine the roller coaster ride you are on! All I know is that you will be marvelous. You have a heart of gold and apparently a Higher Power knows this bit of info as well. Also, I think with all you will have to juggle that you will be allowed a temper tantrum or two. It's inevitable and healthy! (Except from the pulpit). = ) Hang in there and best of luck.
    We love you all,
    P.S. I want to clarify the jaw-dropping.... it was not because I was in utter shock that you would be called to such a position (I'm not surprised you were chosen), but it dropped because I think you are just way too young! We're all still 21, right?!? Right.
    P.S.S. Happy Birthday, Abby Shmabby!

  4. I think it is physically impossible to do away with the sarcasm, but that's okay. Good luck the calling. Nat's husband called on Sunday to tell us. Holy crow!
    Smart move to get the shuffle. We got Kennedy one for Christmas for the very same reasons!

  5. Ryan, I got the call from your Dad the morning you were being put in. I never know what the right comment is when someone is put in a calling both congratulations, and condolences seem inapropriate. I can say that you, your family, and your ward will be blessed by your service. I was so glad that your mom got to make it! Your dad looked like the buttons were going to pop right off his suit when I saw him that night I think? Anyway, you have a great family, and you are doing a great job...and I always find storms come just before something significant, or just after a very spiritual experience. The fact that you recognize it is telling of your being in tune with the spirit. Satan does not want you to feel worthy of the calling, and he never wants you to believe in the spiritual experiences you have. He is a sneeky little devil!

    Love from the Duncan Rapiers

  6. Here's us, wishing you and your family good luck!
