Monday, August 16, 2010

Looking Back at 2009

Last year, I blogged that I do a family video each year that recaps our family's year in pictures and video. This year I have been very slow in getting the 2009 video done. Part of it has definitely been because of time, but 2009 wasn't the best year for us in several ways. So who knows, maybe unconsciously I have held off. But I am getting it done and thought I would share one of the sections from 2009's Rapier Family Video. As you might imagine, with the passing of my mom, she factors heavily into many aspects of the whole video this year. But especially in this one.


  1. there you go again making me cry with your amazing family and talents!

  2. 2009's video was just beautiful, I bawled through the entire thing, it made me remember that our parental units are important to us and to others that know of them. You did an amazing and beautiful job. Your mom, wife, and two daughters are just gorgeous in this video!

  3. Beautiful. You are amazing. Tell Shannon I said hi and I miss our visits.

  4. Of course I'm crying. You are really talented. What wonderful women/girls you have in your life!

  5. Yep, you made me cry, too. I've never heard that song before. What a perfect song and words to describe your feelings of the women in your life. They truly are all special. Thanks for sharing that!
