Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Meet Buddy Harry Rapier

Well, it finally happened. I have fought for years the idea of getting a dog. The tears and agony of my oldest daughter could not move me. I was a rock. The key word there is WAS. On Sunday, my mom called with the opportunity to become the proud owners of a shitzapoo (sp?). That is not me sneezing or trying to curse in a clever way that no one knows what I am doing, but rather a shitzu and poodle mix. The dog was six weeks old and would normally sell for $400 retail. However, we had the one time offer of $400 off the $400 price tag. Even I can't pass up a deal like that. So last night we went to Duncan and picked up the newest member of our family. We were worried that we would have trouble naming the dog or rather having everyone agree on a name. Immediately, Braden said he wanted to name it Buddy. As is completely in line with what we expected, Abby immediately said no. However, within 15 minutes she had agreed. We overheard her later in the van admit to Braden that she wanted to name it something better (code words for I didn't want to let you Braden name the dog) but she couldn't come up with anything and went with Buddy. On the other hand, Logan wanted Harry. When we persisted in calling it Buddy, he broke down in a swell of tears and so we compromised with Buddy Harry. Then Braden pointed out it was our family's newest member, we realized his full name is Buddy Harry Rapier. I believe we will be calling him Buddy. I had really wanted Migrow the 2nd in honor of my first dog, but that idea fell completely flat. (I still can not tell you where the name Migrow came from other than to say I was four.) Another fine observation from Braden is that Kate is 3 months and Buddy is six weeks, they are like twins. I don't even know where to begin with that.

After a night where we the parents just prayed that the dog would be there in the morning, Shannon went out this morning at 6:30 to get the dog and take it in to wake up Abby in a cute way. She stuck her head out and couldn't see the dog. So she called for it. From inside the new dog house came Abby's voice, "He's in the dog house with me Mom." Don't know what time she went out there and we don't know what prompted her to crawl inside the dog house, but what you gonna do.

Needless to say, we all love the new addition to our family. Even me. Maybe I should actually say, Especially me.


  1. I'm jealous! I got duped into 2 puppies in July! I have to admit, they are growing on me, even though they get on my nerves.

  2. and the best things about dogs is they will never grow up and take care of themselves. so really him and kate aren't twins. just thought I would throw that out there for ya. :D looks like a very sweet dog. if you are going to potty train it, use a kennel. Leave it locked up when you aren't home and when you get home, take him outside. he'll catch on. also nuturing helps. (wouldn't be the only male in our family nutured...or so we thought) Hopefully ya know what I mean by that.

    Oh and about the little red riding bra or big boob. hilarious. my poor mother haha. Actually one of my nicknames from my brothers is "chicken little". different story for a different day!

  3. Unbelievable. If somebody would have said you got a dog, I wouldn't have believed them. It's already provided some good, funny stories though. I've been laughing. Danica's comments were hilarious as well.

    I'm excited for you though. Congratulations!!
