Tuesday, January 20, 2009

God Bless America, We're Probably Going To Need It

I try to mainly keep our blog focused on our mundane daily existense. I am not being negative when I say mundane, but rather, the mundaneness of it is why we moved to Thatcher in the first place. Occasionally I have drifted into politics, but as a general rule I don't go there much. Today however, I am caught up like a lot of people and want to record my thoughts.

Barack Obama seems like a very sincere person. In my mind this is similar to what I feel about George W. Bush. I may not agree with him, but he comes across as a decent human being who is trying to make a difference based on his belief system. This is completely unlike Bill Clinton who always came across to me like that guy at work who just never has the money on hand to pay you back for the five bucks you lent him. Or the guy who always commits to be a part of your 3X3 pickup basketball game but always has a great excuse as to why he couldn't be there, completely screwing everyone because 5 guys looking to play basketball just doesn't work. You just come to expect to be let down by that person and eventually you start inviting 7 guys to play knowing you will have six. That was Bill Clinton. Obama does not strike me as that person. Could be wrong, but he doesn't.

So all day, I have been listening to people across the spectrum express their views and such on how Obama will do. Personally, I wish him well. This point in history is a lousy time to be getting this job. It almost feels like the first mate being called to the bridge of the Titanic and being told, "Congratulations son, you are the new captain. By the way, ice berg 50 yards ahead. Good Luck." I hope he listens to people with sound advice on getting the country out of the economic trouble we are in. And this is where my struggle begins. I desperately want to add my voice to those wishing him success. But the truth of the matter is...I don't.

That may come across as harsh, but as of today, I really don't. Many of his professed policies are diametrically opposed to what I believe in. So, if he is successful, my question is, at what cost? For instance, some examples are provided below:

Health Care - If he is successful at getting a national health care system, I believe we will inch closer to a system like Great Britian where the health care is sub-par. Meanwhile, the best and brightest no longer want to go into that field, because the regulations are so severe, the reimbursement constantly lessened and always waiting at the door is the rabid pack of trial lawyers waiting to suck every cent out of the system.

Bail Outs - Bush started this, but if anything, Obama seems to have the "if less is more, then more is better" mentality when it comes to bail outs. BAIL OUTS SUCK!!! Markets need to correct themselves. I took Economics 101, and apparently unlike all the "experts" in Washington, I listened. If you keep inflating and propping up failing enterprises, when they do finally fail (which they will) the pain is much worse down the road. I equate this bail out mentality to parents who believe that, "Well, my kid is going to drink and do drugs regardless, so I might as well keep them at home and provide the booze and pot myself." Does anyone have a success story from that strategy?

Taxes - I know it is popular to run with a tax those who can afford it game plan, but time and time again, it has been proven not to work. Those with money have means and access to avoiding heavy taxes every time. It always fall to someone else. Meanwhile, Obama has proposed "tax cuts" for lower income and middle class families. Unfortunately, here is the dirty little secret; we in that category don't pay many taxes to begin with. At least not income tax. I make a fairly good wage, especially for the Gila Valley. But with the tax code the way it is, I get more back at tax time than I put in because my wife doesn't work and I have four kids. Now with regards to tiling my bathrooms, putting grass in my backyard and buying a new computer, this is pretty good for me. However, I was raised to believe this is backwards. So when Obama talks about lowering my taxes yet again, my reaction is how on earth can a system like this continue? It can't.

Overall, I struggle to see how his policies will fix where we are, but even if they do, I don't believe they are long term fixes. Meanwhile, looming on the horizon is a Social Security and Medicare bankruptcy that no one wants to acknowledge. Finally, he is opposed socially to everything I hold dear. Abortion is wrong no matter how you stack it and so when I held my nose and voted for McCain, my vote was really for the Supreme Court judges he would appoint. (That is assuming he could have gotten that right. No guarantees for the MAVERICK from Arizona.) I worry a great deal about the appointments Mr. Obama will make.

So, I am excited for the historic nature of today's events. That is not lost on me. I wish Mr. Obama well as he is in for some tough, tough days ahead. But as far as wishing him success? I can't do it. My conscience, and I believe my country, can't afford it.

So that I don't have to bore anyone with another political rant in the future, some other political thoughts from today:

-God Bless President Bush for pardoning border patrol agents Ramos and Compean. If you don't know their story, Google it. Their conviction was a travesty and Mr. Bush's lack of action on their behalf was one of my biggest frustrations with him.

-How did Mormons become unAmerican and yet famous Jewish people everywhere are amazingly quiet when it comes to Hamas? I recognize the frustration of the gay community with Prop 8. I really do. But the gay community generally sides with the left and the left repeatedly gives comfort and support to the enemies of Israel. Hamas continually disregards cease fires and fires rockets into Israel. Then when Israel gets fed up and goes after them, the world screams how awful Israel is for its treatment of Palestinians. Where is Steven Spielberg who made millions and got his precious Academy Award thanks to his depiction of the treatment of the Jews in concentration camps? Quietly standing by while Israel gets dumped on by the world again. Or maybe he is too busy giving quiet comfort to his buddy Tom Hanks who is "so brave" to call out Mormons for being unAmerican. I notice he doesn't mention the unAmerican nature of the African American community. If I were black, I would be highly offended because to me it sounds like Tom Hanks is saying, "African Americans are too stupid to understand for themselves an issue like gay marriage. They are too gullible and easily swayed by the evil Mormons and all of their money." The truly ironic thing about these two issues is, the gay community sides with those who want to have "tolerance" for the muslim countries that are trying to wipe Israel off the map. We need to understand them better. However, there is no tolerance on the left for Christianity. We cannot come together to find solutions, it is the left's way or no way. So in the end, the gay community, through their association with liberal America, is calling Mormons unAmerican for denying them marriage licenses, while standing with a political persuasion that is defending nations that would happily behead every gay person they could find. (See Iran)

So, God Bless America. And Thank Heavens Lost starts tomorrow night.


  1. Maverick haha! so true. You should run for office. seriously. you know more than anyone and you state it so well.

  2. You echo my thoughts! Who knew that I could get my dose of politics and check up on friends at the same time?

  3. So well put Ryan!! I couldn't agree with you more. I'm trying to be optimistic about the whole situation, hard as it may be.

    So...about "Lost"...I'm curious as to your opinion on it. I'm a huge fan, but lately it's been leaving me feeling, well, "lost"...

  4. Amen to all that! I wish Obama the best because is our new leader, but I do not agree with how he is "fixing" things. We've got some tough times ahead, no doubt.
    Hasn't "LOST" been SO good?
