Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mini Posts, Spring Edition

Tis Graduatin' Season

Despite all of our best efforts to slow the hands of time, it just keeps marching on and another milepost just went by. Clinton graduated from high school this past week. This is the same Clinton who was just a cute 5 year old kid when I started dating Shannon. This is the kid who used to say You Nork instead of New York. The basketball fanatic who would spend hours upon hours outside shooting baskets to the point where he had to get a new basketball every year for Christmas because the previous one was worn out.

We went to graduation and it was a nice one. They kept it from dragging on too long and it was the first graduation I can remember where the salutatorian quoted Jerry and David Zucker (Creators of the Airplane movies) and Dr. Ruth Westheimer. I turned to Lamar during his speech and whispered, "They never should have given him that book of quotes without explaining who some of these people are." It was almost to the point that I was waiting to hear, "Never be afraid of the next frontier. -Jack Kevorkian." or "Tear down the walls that stifle your dreams. -Ghengis Khan." But it never came to that.

Although it has been four years since we moved here, I still struggle sometimes that I am now affiliated with the Thatcher Eagle system. So I couldn't resist the temptation to wear my red polo shirt with my gray slacks. Childish? probably. Immature? definitely. Do it again? In a heart beat.

As the ceremony was supposed to be outdoors, they had prepared a fireworks show following graduation. Due to weather they moved the ceremony indoors and announced that immediately following the ceremony, the fireworks show would take place outside. They meant immediately. No one in the building got to see the show, but apparently all the neighbors who didn't have someone graduating were all treated to a nice fireworks display.

I can't believe Clinton is out of school. Good luck old man and congratulations.

Long In The Blue Tooth

People who use blue tooth technology freak me out a little bit. Either they look like they have a growth coming out of their ear or you don't see it and they appear to be speaking either to you or no one and it just creates awkward situations. But I had never seen anyone representing the extreme elderly with the blue tooth technology until today. I saw a woman of advanced years walking in the halls of the hospital and it reinforced my belief that I will never use one of those things. Especially when I get older. The device was mostly covered by her hair and so (I totally recognize that this stereotypical and ageist) it appeared she do I say this nicely...demented? That probably wasn't nice, but you get my point. It just looked like a woman who was content to be speaking to someone in her own little world. Again, no point here, but I will never use Blue Tooth. (I also will never use it because it makes Shannon think of the Borg from Star Trek and I certainly don't need my spouse equating me with that image.)

The Fam

Shannon's family was all here this last weekend for Clint's graduation and Melinda and Spencer's baby blessing. Below are couple of pictures from the weekend. As you can see, all those people finally got to Kate and she just shut down. This happened to Logan as well, but unfortunately for him, it happened in the middle of Golden Corral. He was sitting there eating and then all of a sudden, with his half eaten roll still in his hand, he leaned over on the table and fell completely asleep. When we were done, I couldn't wake him, so I picked him up and carried him out to the car. He woke up when I was putting him in his seat and said he wanted a drink. I went to hand him a water bottle and he said, "No, I want my root beer drink." When I explained that the waitress had taken his drink, he got quite upset, then it hit him. "What about my food?" I explained she took that also. "But I wasn't done!" He then cried profusely. I think it may have been a little bit much for him this weekend. Also, you can see that Abby got to see her Aunt Danica and got her hair done. They also went out to Dairy Queen together. You can't tell at all who Abby thinks is her "young, cool" aunt. Sorry Melinda and Danae, I think you had a shot until that over 30 thing came into play.


You can call us simple minded if you want, but my family is extremely excited that Wipeout is starting again tonight. I don't care how silly it is, there is nothing quite as entertaining as people getting whacked and falling into mud and water. Bring on those big red rubber balls!!!

Little League Baseball...or Rugby???

Braden and Logan start their Little League baseball games this week. Braden is an old veteren at this so nothing funny there, but Logan on the other hand is in his first year. His first game was yesterday and there is nothing as entertaining as a bunch of tee-ballers in their first game. Every hit produces a rugby scrum as they may not know much, but they know they are supposed to get the ball. We even had two occasions where the person who hit the ball, or a runner on base, got confused and ran with the rest of the other team to get the ball. In one case, they actually came up with it. You gotta love T-ball!

Final Thought I Should Probably Leave Alone

If Obama continues to have the government take over the banks, the auto industry and soon the health care industry, how are we going to be any different than Cuba or Venezuela? Oh yeah...we will still be the only country producing The Bachelorette. We're totally fine!


  1. You've had me in stitches!! I'm laughing so hard.

    I have to say that when I read there would be a fireworks show I was so impressed, until everyone that is was for missed it!! So funny.

    T-Ball is something that should be witnessed by anyone who is having a bad day. Those moments are some of the top reasons why I chose to have children!! Pure joy!!

    Love your last comment!

  2. Go Wildkats! I was laughing so hard about you wearing the red & gray!

  3. Couldn't agree with you more about's just too hilarious!

    And the fireworks?...that just cracks me up! I'll just say that some of us up here in northern AZ must be just a tiny bit smarter. Holbrook waited at least 30 minutes AFTER their graduation was over to start them... all 3 of them...woohoo!

  4. I should just cut and paste your comments about the weekend. It was fun to read and fun to experience. I wish we could have been at Golden Corral though. I bet that was funny!!
