Friday, October 10, 2008

The Divinity of Voter Fraud

I apologize again for a quick aside on a normally personal family blog, but I had a thought I wanted to share and request feedback in case I am missing something.

Right after the selection of Sarah Palin and her convention speech in which she somewhat ridiculed Obama's time as a community organizer, we started to get celebrities, Democrat strategists and even a congressman who stated, "Jesus was a community organizer, Pontius Pilate was a governor." We will not even touch the ironic, comedic goldmine this represents. Suffice it to say that a number of people saying this had probably not set foot in a church in decades and represent some of the most amoral among us. We will choose to focus on the statement itself.

Obama's days as a community organizer were spent with a group called ACORN. This is an organization that has numerous get out the vote drives among democrats and also was highly influential in securing loans for african americans who did not have credit scores or finances that would translate into a traditional mortgage. If ACORN sounds familiar, it is because they have had several offices around the country raided by federal officers in recent days. Among some of the items found were numerous voter registrations that are clearly bogus. For instance, the entire roster for the Dallas Cowboys is registered to vote in Nevada. I am not suggesting that the entire roster of the Dallas Cowboys doesn't spend a great amount of time in Nevada, but I would question the validity of residency.

This brings me to the question: When did Jesus participate in a voter drive? I don't recall the bible story about Jesus getting the entire roster for the Nazareth Goatherders signed up as voters in Jerusalem's all important passover election. I recall Jesus healing people but not hooking them up with the Salim, the greasy mortgage broker who specializes in great home flipping opportunities in Samaria.

I have noticed that we don't hear much about the community organizer aspect of Obama's past anymore. I also notice the phrase about Jesus being a community organizer has completely disappeared. I wonder why that is? It seemed like such a cute little phrase when it came out. I suppose the weight of substance behind the Savior's ministry compared to the illegal sewage in which ACORN swims in everyday made the comparison look like the sacreligious garbage that it was.

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