Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Joy of Raising Kids

So many wonderful blessings come from being a parent. There is nothing like the sound of your baby's first cry or when they hold onto your finger tightly for the first time. So many wonderful moments. However, I don't know that anything would be more memorable than the first time a child remembers to pick up their clothes off the bathroom floor. I can't say where that would fit on the list of all time moments because we are still waiting for it. With that in mind, I describe our latest attempt to rectify this most annoying problem.

Abby is 9 years old. She can remember what I said a week ago if it has to do with her getting money or being able to invite a friend over. However, if it has to do with a chore that requires effort, I will be lucky if she remembers the beginning of the sentence by the time I reach the end. For over a year and a half, Abby has taken a shower in our bathroom and for a year and a half she has left her clothes on the bathroom floor and not remembered to pick them up. As a side note I would also say that she has never remembered to get her own towel and therefore uses mine, takes it with her into her bedroom and leaves it on her floor. This leads to me getting out of the shower the next morning and having no towel either and doing everything within my power not to curse as I get a towel. (I suppose I could see how some might say I am no better than my daughter having not learned to expect this in over a year and a half, but that would take away my righteous indignation and therefore will not be taken into consideration whatsoever.) We have tried threatening the loss of more things than I can count. We have threatened grounding. I think death was even mentioned once or twice. Nothing has had an effect at all.

I believe tonight, we may have found the answer. I brought Abby in with me and Shannon and explained that yet again her clothes were on our bathroom floor. I then explained that she is nine years old and therefore has several privileges that she did not have when she was younger. One of those privileges is to select her wardrobe each day as she goes to school. I explained that each night that we find her clothes on our floor, the next morning, Shannon would select her clothing for school and she would have no choice but to wear it. I cannot begin to describe the look of puzzlement and then shock as this new reality sunk in. She leaned in close to me and said, "Mom will pick clothes that match. I wear different shades of colors that I think match but she doesn't." I said, "That is correct." From the look on her face, I believe we may have a winner. I don't know yet and only time will tell, but I have never seen that much concern on her face before. Here is to hoping.

Also, I realize conference should never be a side note, but I have to say that conference was absolutely incredible. I want The Ensign to arrive tomorrow so I can recap some of the messages that so inspired me. As we all strive to better ourselves, I am so grateful for the messages I heard that help me to recommit and hopefully improve who I am.


  1. I wish I could say it would get better with the whole clothes thing, but it just gets different. My 12 year old is notorious for leaving clothes in my bathroom and now it has carried over to the car!! I finally told her I will start putting them in the front yard for the neighbors to see and still I walk over dirty clothes each morning. Hope your plan works!!

  2. I loved reading about this dilemma and can't wait to hear what happens with the new "discipline tactic". Keep us posted!

  3. You mean I'm not the only parent who has those same problems?

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I think I'm going to have to add you to my link list, your blog it just to fun to read!

    If you're wanting more hair, I've got PLENTY to share :D (but you might look wierd as a brunette)
