Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Harsh Realities of Growing Older

Try thinking back on the day when you learned that life doesn't care whether it is your birthday or not. As adults, we try to make our spouse's birthday a special time or else we have friends where we make an effort to give them a boost on that day, or around it anyway. For instance, my friend Heath and I have decided to treat each other to a round of golf. It really is a win win as it means we are guaranteed two full rounds of 18 holes each summer. But the reality of life is, that life doesn't care when your birthday is and as adults we all know it. But it is a hard lesson to learn. I think I learned it on my mission when for my 20th birthday we did...nothing. It is one of those situations of, "Hey, happy birthday Elder, can I give you a ride to your next area where you will be tracting in the rain for 6 hours?" I remember the subtle waves of depression that hit me as I thought to myself, I just turned 20 and nobody cares. Of course companions are such a help during these times. Mine was like, a birthday? I had one of those a couple months back.
With those memories in mind, you try to do all that you can to keep The Birthday as special an event as possible for your kids. But sometimes, life has other plans. Case in point, this weekend for my 3 almost 4 year old son Logan. He will celebrate his birthday on Tuesday so this was his "birthday weekend". We made plans to celebrate his birthday tonight with both of our families, dinner, a cake and a few gifts (See above pictures). So how did the weekend start out for young Logan? A flu shot on Friday afternoon. The following description comes from Shannon. When she arrived at the county health department, the waiting area was empty. They went back to get their shots and Abby plops down, gets it done and...boom, it's over. Next, Logan is screaming hysterically and clinging deparately to Shannon. So she has to hold him in place for the shot. He proceeds to scream and continues screaming long after they have left and gone to their next stop on the afternoon errand trail. Next, Braden has to be pried off of the waiting chair he has been sitting in. I wish this was an exageration, but prying is the most acurate verb for this situation. So, Shannon had to hold him down as he gets the shot as well. So now Shannon has two screaming boys along with a screaming baby who is freaked out by all the screaming going on around. On their way out, Shannon realizes that the waiting area is now full and realizes Logan is screaming, "That hurt sooo bad! That hurt! AAAHHHHH!!!!!" Braden is screaming, "Why mom, why would you let them do it to me? Why? AAAAHHHH!!!!!!" What a great start to the weekend for the birthday boy.
Up next, going to bed Saturday night. I don't know how the waking of parents works in anyone else's house, but in ours, I have been designated as the one to be awakened. I knew it was bad when I got the tap on my arm and looked up to see 2:30 a.m. and then saw that not one, but both of my boys are standing by my bed. Braden then informs me that he has thrown up. He did it so sweetly and coherently, I thought he was joking. When Abby throws up, she lets out blood curdling screams from the bathroom until someone comes to her. Here was Braden almost sounding like, "Um, father, I hate to intrude upon your peaceful slumber, but I have found myself to be sick." (I love the British way of saying sick to describe throw up. I was sick means, I threw up. It just sounds so much less...wet.) Anyway, I go in to find that he threw up in bed. I don't think I mentioned that Braden is on the top bunk. Which brings me to why Logan was accompanying him on his midnight hurling tour. We have those bunk beds where the bottom bunk is a little larger than the top. Logan described it this way: "I was just asleep, and then I felt a little wet." Fortunately for him, it wasn't a direct hit. Two hours later, we had gotten everyone back to bed. (Kate currently sleeps in the laundry room (don't ask) which obviously was a high traffic area so she got to join the puke party we were having as well. Needless to say, Sunday morning was not a welcome sight.
Next up for the birthday boy, someone thought it would be good for him to give his first talk in primary two days before his birthday. Long story short, Shannon gave his talk while he stood there holding a picture. Got a bit of the stage fright.
Finally tonight, he got to do a little bit of celebrating. He got to wear the coveted birthday hat and eat his chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate ice cream. (He doesn't take after his mother at all.) He got a new view finder and new Playdo. Life was good. I am sure when he looks back, he won't make the connection of a rough weekend with his birthday, but at 3:00 a.m. on Saturday morning as we were cleaning him and his room up, I couldn't help thinking, "Get used to this son, someday, you will realize birthdays aren't all they are cracked up to be."


  1. Happy Birthday, Logie! I'm glad the weekend turned out good in the end. The scene you described of Shannon & the flu shots will stick with me forever...what an event! It brought a welcomed chuckle, as does all of your writings. I thoroughly enjoy them.
    Love you guys!

  2. Wow!! What a birthday weekend. Danae and I were both cracking up on the flu shots story.

  3. What a weekend. I have had similar experiences with shots, but most of the time I try to blame it all on the nurses. This tends to backfire for the next time we have to go to the doctor for a minor ache or pain when the nurse comes out and then the child screams in horror!! ;-)

  4. Oh my gosh you are hilarious!!! I so understand your point of view because Kelley is the designated getter upper in our family.... only difference is that about 10 minutes after he is up he realizes how helpless he is without me and comes in half whining half angry begging for my help!!
